
Message #10

Just as I received a clever idea to the Mona Lisa picture from a friend, I saw people at the office working with a similar picture. Well, the face in the picture surely isn't similar, but the whole feeling about the picture is.

See for yourself. This is what I managed to get:


  1. Anonymous16/6/13 05:51

    'Arenhart' solved this one, using the same solution Xkeeper used on the Mona Lisa picture.

    I used xkeeper's solution on the nekkonke, and it worked (though it was based on the blue channel, are we to expect a third green message?) the provides a qr code that leads to an url, the url has an inverted text that, once reversed yelds apparently no clue... I post it below.

    TS:2051-06-30-23-59-60The mutations that happen to the messages that are sent back in time make it really difficult to warn about the LOLCat Apocalypse. We can only hope that these messages are found and solved before it is too late. There are also other limitations in the non-causal messaging exploit besides the multiple different mutations that might happen to the messages. For example, it is impossible to determine exactly the place and the time where the sent message appears
    [=END QUOTE=]

    1. Thanks Cor-de-lea and Arenhart for solving this and revealing the message! Good job!
