
Message #14

I found yet another picture! Lucky I have quite good access to many places at the office... :) Never been too good with equations but this is way over my head. Anyone get it?


  1. Hi Beth,

    The equation is "dew is rows", which is a anagram of "wise words" and leads to this site:

  2. Our friend Iamthor did some amazing quick work and managed to solve the wisewords page as well (using the source of the page) to get the following message:

    In the beginning of 2014, Avecira was able to make a contract with all major processor manufacturers and finally Richard's and Buck's dream started to become true. Thanks to the contracts they managed to negotiate, TDChip would be included in every CPU around the world. In few years, basically every computer, phone, tablet, phablet and phaptop would communicate with the Toilworn Diamond servers. That was a major breakthrough for the success of the whole project...

    ...By the end of 2016, all kind of portable and unportable devices were so popular that almost all communication between people were handled though some kind of device. People were happily posting photos of their lunches, reporting their daily chores and enlightening their friends' days with funny animal pictures. The need to talk to other people face-to-face started to dimish. You could find all the relevant information about other people by reading their updates, and you could even track their movements by following where they check in using the successful 'stalk-a-friend' application...

    ...The starting shot to the LOLCat Apocalypse can be tracked to the beginning of 2017. Someone came up with a LOLCat so funny that it spread through internet at a speed that was never seen before! People who wouldn't normally care about LOLCats were now rolling on the floor laughing and sharing the picture to their friends and colleagues. Unfortunately Avecira hadn't prepared to an event this powerful. The algorithms behind Toilworn Diamond learned that people like seeing funny cat pictures and started to censor other content. Because of that, the amount of non-cat content on the internet started to diminish rapidly creating a vicious circle. Toilworn Diamond algorithms thought that people prefer funny cat pictures, because that is all they were allowed to see. Eventually, 99,97% of all content that people were able to see on their devices were LOLCats.

  3. Thanks AUZ505, Jehane and Iamthor! Amazing job once again. Seems like the LOLCat Apocalypse is heading to us in scarily near future! If only we could find a way to stop it...
